341. To maintain high quality service, ensure officer safety and accountability, and promote constitutional, effective policing, CDP will ensure that its policies and procedures reflect and express CDP’s commitment to building community trust, utilizing community and problem-oriented policing, ensuring bias-free policing, and incorporating the concept of procedural justice.

342. As needed, CDP will develop, revise, and implement policies and procedures to fully incorporate the terms of this Agreement and comply with applicable law. CDP will ensure that its policies and procedures are plainly written, logically organized, and use terms that are clearly defined. Unless otherwise noted, CDP will develop all policies and procedures pursuant to this Agreement within 365 days of the Effective Date.

343. CDP will ensure that officers from all varying ranks and units have a meaningful opportunity to review and comment on new or existing policies and procedures.

344. Prior to submission to the Monitor and DOJ, CDP will provide policies related to bias-free policing, use of force, search and seizure, and data collection and retention to the Commission for review and comment. The Commission will provide any comments to CDP within l5 days of submission. The CDP will consider, discuss with, and timely respond to the Commission’s concerns. Where the Commission’s concerns are unresolved, CDP will provide the Commission’s comments to the DOJ and the Monitor along with the policy when it is submitted for approval.

345. CDP will submit all policies, procedures, manuals, and other administrative orders or directives related to this Agreement to the Monitor and DOJ prior to publication and implementation. If the Monitor or DOJ objects to the proposed policy, procedure, manual, or other administrative order or directive because they do not incorporate the requirements of this Agreement or are inconsistent with this Agreement or law, the Monitor or DOJ will note this objection in writing to all Parties within 15 business days of the receipt of the policy, procedure, manual, or directive. CDP will have 15 business days to resolve any objections to its policies, procedures, manuals, or directives. If, after this 15 day period has run, the Monitor or DOJ maintains its objection, then the Monitor will have an additional 15 business days to resolve the objection. If either party disagrees with the Monitor’s resolution of the objection, either party may ask the Court to resolve the matter. The policies will not be published or implemented until any objections have been resolved. The Monitor will determine whether an additional amount of time is necessary to ensure full and proper review of policies. Factors to consider in making this determination include: (a) complexity of the policy; (b) extent of disagreement regarding policy; (c) number of policies provided simultaneously; or (d) extraordinary circumstances delaying review by the DOJ or the Monitor. In determining whether these factors warrant additional time for review, the Monitor will fully consider the importance of prompt implementation of policies and will allow additional time for policy review only where it is clear that additional time is necessary to ensure full and proper review. Any extension to the above timelines by the Monitor will also toll CDP’s deadline for policy completion.

346. CDP will post approved policies and procedures on the City’s website to ensure public accessibility. There will be reasonable exceptions for policies, procedures, and administrative orders that are law enforcement sensitive, such as procedures regarding undercover officers or operations.

347. The CDP will review each policy or procedure related to this Agreement six months after it is implemented and annually thereafter, to ensure that the policy or procedure provides effective direction to CDP personnel and remains consistent with this Agreement, and current law. The CDP will review and revise policies and procedures as necessary upon notice of a significant policy deficiency during audits or reviews.

348. CDP will maintain a complete, up-to-date manual of all CDP policies and procedures that is indexed and maintained in an organized manner using a uniform numbering system for ease of reference. Officers and employees will have access to the manual, in hard copy or electronic format. Revisions and updates to CDP policies and procedures will be incorporated into the manual.

349. CDP will ensure that changes in case law and statutes that are relevant to the work of CDP are disseminated to appropriate CDP personnel in a timely manner and incorporated, as needed, into CDP policies, procedures, and training.

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