176. The City and CDP will ensure that all allegations of officer misconduct, whether internally discovered or alleged by a civilian, are fully, fairly, and efficiently investigated; that all investigative findings are supported by a preponderance of the evidence and documented in writing; and that all officers who commit misconduct are held accountable pursuant to a disciplinary system that is fair, consistent, and provides due process. To achieve these outcomes, CDP and the City will implement the requirements set out below.

A. Internally Discovered Misconduct

177. Internal Affairs will conduct objective, comprehensive, and timely investigations of all internal allegations of officer misconduct. All findings will be based on the preponderance of the evidence standard. This standard will be clearly delineated in policies, training, and procedures and accompanied by detailed examples to ensure proper application by investigators.

178. Internal Affairs will be headed by a qualified civilian who is not a current or former employee of CDP, and who is not a current or retired law enforcement officer. The civilian head of Internal Affairs will report directly to the Chief of Police.

l79. CDP will ensure that misconduct investigators and commanders possess excellent investigative skills, a reputation for integrity, the ability to write clear reports, and the ability to be fair and objective in determining whether an officer committed misconduct. Officers with a sustained history of civilian complaints of, or who have been disciplined for, excessive use of force, discrimination, or dishonesty will be presumptively ineligible for assignment to Internal Affairs.

180. Within 365 days of the Effective Date, CDP will provide all new personnel assigned to Internal Affairs with initial training and verify that all existing personnel received training within 365 days prior to the Effective Date that is adequate in quality, quantity, scope, and type on conducting misconduct investigations. This training will include instruction in:

a. investigative skills, including proper interrogation and interview techniques; gathering and objectively analyzing evidence; and data and case management;

b. the particular challenges of administrative police misconduct investigations, including identifying alleged misconduct that is not clearly stated in the complaint or that becomes apparent during the investigation;

c. properly weighing the credibility of civilian witnesses against officers;

d. using objective evidence to resolve inconsistent statements;

e. the proper application of the preponderance of the evidence standard; and

f. CDP rules and policies, including the requirements of this Agreement, and protocols related to administrative investigations of alleged officer misconduct.

181. Internal Affairs investigators also will receive annual training related to conducting misconduct investigations that is adequate in quality, quantity, type and scope.

182. In each investigation, Internal Affairs will collect and consider all relevant circumstantial, direct, and physical evidence, including officer-recorded video as it becomes available through CDP’s implementation of body worn cameras or other recording devices. There will be no automatic preference for an officer’s statement over a non-officer’s statement. Internal Affairs investigators will not disregard a witness’s statement solely because the witness has some connection to either the complainant or the officer or because the witness or complainant has a criminal history.

In conducting the investigation, Internal Affairs investigators may take into account the record of any witness, complainant, or officer who has been determined to have been deceptive or untruthful in any legal proceeding, misconduct investigation, or other investigation. Internal Affairs investigators will make all reasonable efforts to resolve material inconsistencies between witness statements.

183. Internal Affairs will evaluate all relevant police activity and any evidence of potential misconduct uncovered during the course of the investigation, including each use of force, and any investigatory stops, searches, or seizures that occurred during the incident.

184. If the person involved in the encounter with the police pleads guilty or is found guilty of an offense, Internal Affairs will not consider that information alone to be determinative of whether a CDP officer engaged in misconduct, nor will it justify discontinuing the investigation.

185. Internal Affairs will complete its administrative investigations within 30 days from the date it learns of the alleged misconduct. Any request for an extension of time must be approved in writing by the Chief or the Chiefs designee.

186. At the conclusion of each investigation, Internal Affairs will prepare an investigation report. The report will include:

a. a narrative description of the incident, including a precise description of the evidence that either justifies or fails to justify the officer’s conduct based on Internal Affairs’ independent review of the facts and circumstances of the incident;

b. documentation of all evidence that was gathered, including names, phone numbers, and addresses of witnesses to the incident. In situations in which there are no known witnesses, the report will specifically state this fact. In situations in which witnesses were present but circumstances prevented the author of the report from determining the identification, phone number, or address of those witnesses, the report will state the reasons why. The report also will include all available identifying information for anyone who refuses to provide a statement;

c. documentation of whether officers were interviewed, and a transcript or recording of those interviews;

d. the names of all other CDP employees who witnessed the incident; e. Internal Affairs’ evaluation of the incident, based on its review of the evidence gathered, including a determination of whether the officer’s actions appear to be within CDP policy, procedure, regulations, orders, or other standards of conduct required of City employees; and an assessment of the incident for policy, training, tactical, or equipment concerns; f. if a weapon was used, documentation that the officer’s certification and training for the weapon were current; and

g. documentation of recommendations for initiation of the disciplinary process.

187. In addition to determining whether an officer committed alleged misconduct, investigations will include an assessment of whether:

a. the police action was in compliance w1th training and legal standards;

b. the use of different tactics should or could have been employed;

c. the incident indicates a need for additional training, counseling, or other nondisciplinary corrective actions; and

d. the incident suggests that CDP should revise its policies, strategics, tactics, or training.

188. CDP will ensure that all relevant information from the completed investigation is provided electronically to the officers’ supervisors, the Training Review Committee, the Force Review Board, the Officer Intervention Program, and the Data Collection and Analysis Coordinator while ensuring that sensitive information is adequately protected.

B. Reporting Misconduct and Preventing Retaliation

189. CDP will require any CDP employee who observes or becomes aware of any act of misconduct by another employee to report the incident to a supervisor or directly to Internal Affairs. Where an act of misconduct is reported to a supervisor, the supervisor will immediately document and report the information to Internal Affairs. Failure to report an act of misconduct is an egregious offense and will subject the officer to the disciplinary process and, if sustained, will subject the officer to discipline, up to and including termination.

190. CDP will develop a system that allows officers to confidentially and anonymously report potential misconduct by other officers.

l91. CDP will expressly prohibit all forms of retaliation, discouragement, intimidation, coercion, or adverse action, against any person, civilian or officer, who reports misconduct, makes a misconduct complaint, or cooperates with an investigation of misconduct.

192. Officers who retaliate against any person who reports or investigates alleged misconduct will be subject to the disciplinary process and possible discipline, up to and including termination.

C. Investigation of Civilian Complaints

1. The Office of Professional Standards

193. The Office of Professional Standards (“OPS”) will investigate all civilian complaints it receives, other than those that allege criminal conduct. All complaints of apparent criminal conduct will be referred to Internal Affairs. Complaints of excessive force will be retained by OPS for investigation except in exceptional circumstances, or if Internal Affairs already has initiated an investigation. Once Internal Affairs completes a referred criminal investigation, if a determination is made that no criminal conduct occurred, the complaint will be referred back to OPS and the Police Review Board (“PRB”) for disposition.

194. The City will ensure that OP is led by an administrator with the skills, expertise, and experience to effectively manage the intake, tracking, timely, and objective investigation of complaints; identify and implement appropriate training for investigators and PRB members from sources outside of CDP; assess OPS’s equipment and staffing needs, including administrative staff, investigators, and supervisor(s); and ensure that OPS operates in a manner that is transparent and accountable to the community it serves. The administrator also will have the skills, expertise, and experience to develop and implement performance standards for OPS. For future appointments, the City will seek the Commission’s input in developing the minimum qualifications and experience for an administrator.

195. OPS investigators will receive initial training that is adequate in quality, quantity, scope, and type and will include:

a. investigative skills, including proper interrogation and interview techniques; gathering and objectively analyzing evidence; and data and case management;

b. the particular challenges of administrative investigations of police conduct, including identifying conduct warranting investigation that is not clearly stated in the complaint or that becomes apparent during the investigation;

c. properly weighing the credibility of civilian witnesses against officers;

d. using objective evidence to resolve inconsistent statements;

e. the proper application of the preponderance of the evidence standard; and

f. CDP rules and policies, including the requirements of this Agreement, and protocols related to administrative investigations of officer conduct alleged to be improper.

196. The training will be provided by sources both inside and outside of CDP, in order to ensure the highest quality training on investigative techniques and CDP policies, procedures, and disciplinary rules. Within 365 days of the Effective Date, OPS investigators will receive training that is adequate in quality, quantity, type, and scope, both initially and annually, in how to conduct administrative investigations.

197. OPS Investigators will not be current members of the CDP, and no CDP personnel will have any active role in OPS’s operations.

198. The City will ensure that the lawyer representing OPS does not have any actual or apparent conflicts of interest.

199. OPS will have its own budget, separate from the administrative budget for the Department of Public Safety. The OPS Administrator will oversee the budget. The Monitor will analyze OPS’s budget and advise the Parties and the Court as to whether it affords sufficient independence and resources, including sufficient staff and training to meet the terms of this Agreement.

200. Within 180 days of the Effective Date, OPS will develop a revised operations manual that will be made available to the public. The manual will, at a minimum, include the following:

a. a mission statement that defines OPS and PRB’s core values, mission, and authority;

b. definitions of all relevant terms;

c. investigative procedures, including procedures for objective fact-gathering and evaluation and the factors that will be considered when evaluating credibility; procedures on report writing; and procedures for collecting and processing evidence;

d. procedures outlining when complaints may be administratively dismissed and the process with which OPS must comply to ensure that complaints are not prematurely or unnecessarily dismissed;

e. outlines the duties and practices of PRB, including how PRB will review OPS findings, how cases will be presented to PRB by OPS, the standard of review PRB will apply to reviewing complaints, how disciplinary recommendations will be determined, and a description of the types of information PRB will make available to the public; and

f. an explanation of possible dispositions and outcomes of complaints.

2. Filing and Tracking of Civilian Complaints

201. Within 365 days of the Effective Date, the City and CDP, in consultation with the Commission and OPS, will develop and implement a program to promote awareness throughout the Cleveland community about the process for filing complaints with OPS.

202. CDP and the City will work with the police unions, as necessary, to allow civilian complaints to be submitted to OPS verbally or in writing; in person, by phone, or on line; by a complainant, someone acting on his or her behalf, or anonymously; and with or without a signature from the complainant. All complaints will be documented in writing.

203. CDP will post and maintain by the intake window at CDP headquarters and all District headquarters a pennanent placard describing the civilian complaint process that includes relevant OPS contact information. including telephone numbers, email addresses, and Internet sites.

204. Within 365 days of the Effective Date, CDP will provide training that is adequate in quality, quantity, scope, and type to all police personnel, including dispatchers, to properly handle complaint intake, including how to provide complaint materials and information; the consequences for failing to take complaints; and strategies for turning the complaint process into a positive police-civilian interaction.

205. CDP will require all offi cers to carry complaint forms in their CDP vehicles. Officers will provide complaint forms to individuals upon request. Officers will provide their name and badge number upon request. If an individual indicates to an officer that he or she would like to make a complaint about that officer, the officer will immediately inform his or her supervisor who will respond to the scene to assist the individual in filing a complaint. The supervisor will provide the individual a copy of the completed complaint form or a blank form to be completed later by the individual.

206. The City and OPS will make complaint forms and other materials outlining the complaint process and OPS’s contact information widely available at locations including: the websites of CDP, OPS and the City of Cleveland; the lobby of OPS’s building; CDP headquarters and Districts; and City Hall. OPS will ask locations such as public library branches and the offices and gathering places of community groups to make these materials available.

207. OPS’s complaint form will not contain any language that could reasonably be construed as discouraging the filing of a complaint, including warnings about the potential criminal consequences for filing false complaints.

208. Within 180 days of the Effective Date, complaint forms and related informational materials wi ll be made available, at a minimum, in English and Spanish. OPS will make every effort to ensure that complainants who speak other languages (including sign language) and have limited English proficiency can file complaints in their preferred language. The fact that a complainant does not speak, read, or write English, or is deaf or hard of hearing will not be grounds to decline to accept or investigate a complaint.

209. The City will ensure that civilian complaints submitted through other existing systems, including the Mayor’s Action Center and the Department Action Center, are immediately forwarded to OPS for investigation.

210. Within 150 days of the Effective Date, OPS will establish a centralized electronic numbering and tracking system for all complaints. Upon receipt of a complaint, OPS will promptly assign a unique identifier to the complaint, which will be provided to the complainant at the time the complaint is made. OPS’s centralized numbering and tracking system will maintain accurate and reliable data regarding the number, nature, and status of all complaints, from initial intake to final disposition, including investigation timeliness and notification to the complainant of the interim status and final disposition of the complaint. The system will be used to determine the status of complaints, as well as for periodic assessment of compliance with relevant OPS policies and procedures and this Agreement, including requirements of timeliness of investigations. The system also will be used to monitor and maintain appropriate caseloads for OPS investigators.

211. OPS will track, as a separate category of complaints, allegations of biased policing, including allegations that an officer conducted an investigatory stop or arrest based on an individual’s demographic category or used a slur based on an individual’s demographic category. OPS will require that complaints of biased policing are captured and tracked appropriately, even if the complainant does not so label the allegation.

212. OPS will track, as a separate category of complaints, allegations of unlawful investigatory stops, searches, or arrests.

213. OPS will track, as a separate category of complaints, all allegations of excessive use of force received through OPS’s intake process.

214. OPS will conduct regular assessments of the types of complaints being received to identify and assess potential problematic patterns and trends.

215. OPS will produce, at least annually, a public report summarizing complaint trends, including the number and types of complaints received, the disposition of complaints by complaint type, the number and types of complaints administratively dismissed, and the average length of complaint investigations.

3. Classification of Civilian Complaints

216. Within 90 days of the Effective Date, OPS will determine criteria for assigning complaints to one of two tracks: standard and complex. Investigation of complaints assigned to the standard track will be completed within 45 days. Investigation of complaints assigned to the complex track will be completed within 90 days during the first 6 months following the Effective Date and within 75 days thereafter. OPS will undertake a staffing analysis to determine how many investigators are required to meet these targets and, if necessary, the City will use best efforts to expand OPS staff in accordance with the results of the analysis. The staffing analysis will be provided to the Monitor, which will review it for adequacy. The Monitor will advise the Parties as to whether OPS and PRB’s budget affords sufficient independence and resources to meet the terms of this Agreement, and whether the City is using best efforts to expand its staff, if indicated by the analysis. The Monitor will include this assessment in its reports.

217. OPS will not terminate an investigation simply because the complainant seeks to withdraw the complaint or is unavailable, unwilling, or unable to cooperate with an investigation. OPS will continue the investigation and reach a finding, where possible, based on the evidence and investigatory procedures and techniques available. In its annual report, OPS will include the number and types of complaints administratively dismissed and the reasons for closure. Only the following types of complaints may be assigned the disposition of administratively dismissed:

a. complaints disputing traffic citations, except that allegations of improper conduct contained in such complaints (e.g., racial profiling, illegal search, excessive force) will be classified and investigated according to their merits;

b. complaints alleging a delay in police services where the preliminary investigation demonstrates that the delay was due to workload, or otherwise unavoidable;

c. complaints regarding off duty officer conduct of a civil nature, unless the alleged conduct, or its effects, constitute misconduct or have a substantial nexus to the officer’s City employment; and

d. complaints in which the preliminary investigation demonstrates that the officer does not work for CDP, or where the identity of the officer cannot be determined despite the best efforts of OPS.

4. Investigation of Civilian Complaints

218. OPS will ensure that investigations of complaints are as thorough as necessary to reach reliable and complete findings that are supported by the preponderance of the evidence.

219. CDP will ensure that OPS has timely access to all reports related to the incident, including incident reports, supervisory investigations, completed Internal Affairs’ investigations, and Force Review Board reports. If an investigation already is being or has been conducted by CDP and the OPS Administrator determines that it was thorough and complete, no additional investigation will be required. However, OPS has the authority to conduct additional investigation of any civilian complaint.

220. OPS investigators will attempt to interview each complainant in person, and where appropriate, this interview will be recorded in its entirety, absent a specific, documented objection by the complainant.

221. The Chief will order officers who witnessed or participated in an incident that is the subject of an OPS complaint to cooperate with the OPS investigation, including by responding to written questions submitted by OPS or in-person interviews, as request by OPS.

222. OPS investigators will have access to any relevant disciplinary information in the record of an officer who is the subject of a current investigation.

223. In each investigation, OPS will consider all relevant evidence, including circumstantial, direct, and physical evidence. There will be no automatic preference for an officer’s statement over a non-officer’s statement. OPS will not disregard a witness’s statement solely because the witness has some connection to either the complainant or the officer or because the witness or complainant has a criminal history. OPS will make all reasonable efforts to resolve material inconsistencies between witness statements.

224. At the conclusion of its investigation, OPS will explain its findings using one of the following categories:

a. Sustained: the preponderance of the evidence establishes that the violation of policy occurred. A complaint may be “sustained in part” if the investigation revealed sufficient evidence to support a finding of a policy violation on one or more, but not all of the complainant’s allegations. A complaint may also be “sustained for a violation not based on original complaint” if the investigation reveals evidence of misconduct that was not included in the complainant’s original allegation.

b. Exonerated: the preponderance of the evidence fails to establish a finding of a policy violation and does not wanant any further investigation or action.

c. Unfounded: the preponderance of the evidence fails to establish whether a policy violation occuned or did not occur.

d. Not Sustained: the preponderance of the evidence establishes that the alleged conduct did occur, but did not violate CDP policies, procedures, or training.

e. Administratively dismissed.

225. OPS will document in writing the investigation of each complaint, including all investigatory steps taken, and OPS’s findings and conclusions. The recommended findings will be supported by a preponderance of the evidence.

226. In addition to determining whether an officer committed the conduct alleged in the complaint and whether it violated policy, OPS may consider whether: (a) the police action was in compliance with training and legal standards; (b) the incident indicates a need for additional training, counseling, or other collective measures; and (c) the incident suggests that CDP should revise its policies, strategies, tactics, or training. OPS may include recommendations on these topics in its investigation.

227. OPS will forward all investigations and its written conclusions to PRB in sufficient time for PRB to consider them no later than the second regularly scheduled PRB meeting following completion or the investigation.

5. Communication with the Complainant

228. OPS will send periodic written updates to the complainant including:

a. within seven days of receipt of a complaint, OPS will send non-anonymous complainants a written notice of receipt, including the tracking number assigned to the complaint. The notice will inform the complainant how s/he may contact OPS to inquire about the status of a complaint.

b. when OPS concludes its investigation, OPS will notify the complainant that the investigation has been concluded and forwarded to PRB, and inform the complainant when PRB will hear the complaint.

c. when PRB reaches a determination, OPS will notify the complainant of PRB’s determination and inform the complainant that the case will be forwarded to the Chief of Police or Director of Public Safety for review and/or disciplinary action; and

d. when the Chief or Director of Public Safety reports the final outcome of his/her disciplinary process, OPS will notify the complainant of the result, and inform him/her that the matter is now concluded.

229. Notwithstanding the above notices, a complainant may contact OPS at any time to determine the status of his/her complaint.

D. Police Review Board

230. Within 120 days of the Effective Date, in consultation with the Commission, the Mayor will work with the City Council to develop an ordinance to place a Charter Amendment on the ballot that would ensure that the members of PRB are appointed in a transparent manner, are representative of the diverse communities within Cleveland, and allow the chair and a vice chair of PRB, to each serve for a term of one year, to be selected from among the members by majority vote of PRB’s membership.

231. PRB members will not be current or former members of the CDP.

232. PRB will have its own budget, separate from the administrative budget for the Department of Public Safety. The OPS Administrator will oversee the budget. The Monitor will analyze PRB’s budget and advise the Parties and the Court as to whether it affords sufficient independence and resources, including sufficient staff and training to meet the terms of this Agreement.

233. PRB members will receive initial training that is adequate in quality, quantity, scope, and type and will include:

a. constitutional and other relevant law on police-citizen encounters, including law on the use of force and stops, searches, and arrests;

b. police tactics;

c. investigations of police conduct;

d. bias-free policing;

e. policing individuals in crisis;

f. CDP policies, procedures and disciplinary rules; and

g. community outreach.

234. The training will be provided by sources both inside and outside of CDP, in order to ensure the highest quality training on investigative techniques, and CDP policies, procedures, and disciplinary rules.

235. PRB’s meetings will be open to the public. The schedule and location of meetings will be designed to ensure easy public access and will be posted on OPS’s website, as will agendas for upcoming PRB meetings. PRB members may vote to go into executive session for their deliberations, but case presentations and PRB votes will take place in open session.

236. OPS investigators will attend PRB meetings at which their investigations are being considered and present their investigation, findings, and conclusions to PRB, whose members can direct questions about cases to them. If PRB determines that it needs additional information before considering a matter, it may ask the investigator to conduct further investigation.

237. PRB’s recommended dispositions will be based on a preponderance of the evidence.

For each case, PRB shall set forth its conclusion and an explanation of its reasons and supporting evidence in writing including, when applicable, the justification for departing from OPS’s recommended disposition.

238. In cases where PRB is recommending a sustained disposition, in whole or in part, PRB will include a recommendation as to disciplinary or non-disciplinary corrective action.

239. PRB will forward all of its recommendations regarding dispositions and discipline to the Chief of Police or Director of Public Safety for their review. PRB may include an assessment of whether: (a) the police action was in compliance with training and legal standards; (b) the incident indicates a need for additional training, counseling, or other corrective measures; and (c) the incident suggests that CDP should revise its policies, strategics, tactics, or training.

E. Disciplinary Hearings

240. The Chief of CDP will issue a General Police Order that requires officers to: (a) cooperate with the Internal Affairs and OPS investigators; and (b) submit all relevant evidence to the investigators such that it is available for consideration by Internal Affairs or PRB.

241. Where PRB or Internal Affairs recommends the initiation of the disciplinary process, the Chief of CDP, or his/her designee. or the Director of Public Safety will conduct a disciplinary hearing and will provide the officer with an opportunity to testify. If an officer provides new or additional evidence at the hearing, the hearing will be suspended and the matter will be returned to internal Affairs or PRB for consideration, as appropriate.

242. If PRB recommends the initiation of the disciplinary process and recommends a disciplinary level, and the Chief or the Director of Public Safety does not uphold the charges in whole or in part after the hearing. or docs not impose the recommended discipline or non-disciplinary corrective action, the Chief or the Director will set forth in writing his or her justification for doing so.

243. CDP will track the number of instances in which the Chief or the Director of Public Safety rejects, in whole or in part, PRB’s recommended disposition.

244. At least annually, the Monitor will review this data and assess whether PRB is achieving its mission.

F. Discipline

245. CDP will ensure that discipline for sustained allegations of misconduct comports with due process, and is consistently applied, fair, and based on the nature of the allegation, and that mitigating and aggravating factors are identified and consistently applied and documented.

246. In order to ensure consistency in the imposition of discipline, CDP will review its current disciplinary matrix and will seek to amend it as necessary to ensure that it:

a. establishes a presumptive range of discipline for each type of rule violation;

b. increases the presumptive discipline based on an officer’s prior violations of the same or other rules;

c. sets out defined mitigating and aggravating factors;

d. prohibits consideration of the officer’s race, gender, national origin, age, ethnicity, familial relationships, or sexual orientation;

e. prohibits consideration of the high (or low) profile nature of the incident;

f. provides that CDP will not take only non-disciplinary corrective action in cases in which the disciplinary matrix calls for the imposition of discipline; and

g. provides that CDP will consider whether non-disciplinary corrective action also is appropriate in a case where discipline has been imposed.

247. All disciplinary decisions will be documented in writing.

248. If amended, CDP will provide its disciplinary matrix to the Commission, the Police Inspector General, and the police unions for comment.

249. CDP will work with the unions to allow for sustained disciplinary findings to stay in an officer’s record for ten years.

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